Gabriella Cavallo, Principal Investigator and POLIMI local coordinator

GC is associate professor at Politecnico di Milano. Her research interests are in the field of recognition and self-assembly phenomena occurring among haloorganic systems, and their application in crystal engineering for the design of innovative functional materials. In this area she recently worked to develop the concept and practice of halogen bonding (XB) contributing to popularize it worldwide. In particular she explored the XB for the construction of new non-linear optical materials, photoresponsive liquid crystals and fluorinated ionic liquid crystals with potent application as ionic conductors in PVs.

Giancarlo Terraneo POLIMI

Giancarlo Terraneo is Full Professor in Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” – Politecnico di Milano (Italy). G Terraneo’s research interests focused toward the study of non-covalent interactions (fundamentals and applications), supramolecular chemistry and crystal engineering. His current research interest is the study of σ/π-hole interactions through X-ray diffraction techniques.

Francesca Nunzi, UNIPG local coordinator

Francesca Nunzi is a research scientist at the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Perugia. She has a consolidated experience in the modelling of structural, electronic and optical properties of extended systems and innovative materials with specific functionalities by means of accurate quantum chemistry methods, such as ab initio (Hartree-Fock and post Hartree-Fock), hybrid methods and Density Functional based methods

Tommaso Moretti, UNIPG

Tommaso Moretti is a research fellow at the Department of Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology of the University of Perugia. Currently he deals with the modelling of solid materials for energy, such as storage systems and photovoltaic materials, with a focus on 2D-perovskites, mainly with Density Functional based methods.

Franco Meinardi, UNIMIB

Franco Meinardi is Full Professor of Physics of Matter at the Department of Materials Science of the Milano-Bicocca State-University. His research activity focuses on photophysics and electronic properties of organic and hybrid materials and has produced more than 200 publications in international journals as well as 5 patent families. In 2016, with the support of a pool of investors, FM founded the company Glass to Power, which is currently listed on the Paris Stock Exchange.